Increase their sales by 24% 6 months after launching its new branding. A semester later Alquería, the largest dairy brand in the country, bought them.

Responsible, informed work under the alignment of strategic planning. What an outstanding result, my congratulations, and regards. "
The brand sought to reposition itself in the market, revive its 1990s-early 2000s reputation, and increase sales and brand recognition, especially among Millennials and Centennials, without affecting its 100-year market standing. The main issue was an outdated and cheap brand perception due to inconsistent packaging and aged aesthetics, making the products seem more expensive than competitors.
Modernize the brand embracing the Flat Design long lasting trend that has revolutionized most of the last rebrandings of the highly positionate fortune 500 companies by simplifying their logo, brand guidelines, packaging, website, etc. and integrate the whole aesthetic into one of a kind.
After six months of launching the new brand into the retail shelves, the product sales increased 24% comparing it to the same period of time in the year before.
Just a year after its launch the largest dairy company in Colombia Alquería sought the impact of their new positioning and branding and decided to acquire the brand. Now Del Vecchio can reach all Colombian territory, enlarge their production capabilities, create hundreds of new jobs and hopefully stay in the market for another 100 years!